This is a reference for how a BIDS archive can be developed. The specific example, here, is for its use in a clinical fMRI lab. We presented a version of this originally at Brainhack 2018.

The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a set of rules for how files and folders holding MRI (or other) data can be organized and named. It is invaluable in that allows you or your colleagues to easily understand your data both now and decades into the future.

Full details of the BIDS protocol are available here.

One of the protocol's weaknesses is that the specifications are, by necessity, quite complex, however, and there are many slight variants on BIDS data structures that follow the protocol rules. This set of pages includes one possible BIDS folder hierarchy to help orient a new user. This is not exhaustive, and it does not include all BIDS components.

See also details about –

  • Anatomical image naming conventions

  • Functional image naming conventions

Noah Markowitz

Christopher Benjamin



│   CHANGES    
│   participants.tsv    
│   participants.json    
│   dataset_description.json    


| └───ses-mri01

│    └───anat
│    └───func
└───sub ... n


| └───sub-y0001

│      └───ses-mri-01
│          │   participants.tsv
│          │   participants.json
│          │   sub-y0001_ses-mri01.dicom.tgz
│          │   
│          └───logfiles
│          |   └───task-1obj_run-01_lang-eng_spd-1
│          |   │   [logfiles]
│          |   └───task-n
│          |
│          └───posttest
│          |       sub-y0001_ses-mri01_posttest.pdf
│          |
│          └───notes
│   └───sub ... n


| └───pre-00

│      └───sub-y0001
│          └───ses-mri-01
│              └───anat
│      └───sub ... n

| └───pre-01

│      └───sub-y0001
│          └───ses-mri-01
│              └───func
│      └───sub ... n

| └───res-01

│       └───sub-y0001
│           └───ses-mri-01
│               └───analysis_task1
│               │   
│               └───analysis_task ... n
│       └───sub ... n

| └───res-01

│       └───sub-y0001
│           └───ses-mri-01
│       └───sub ... n