fMRI: OMfMRI test battery

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Language fMRI has been developed by a large international research community who have dedicated tremendous time and effort, both funded and unfunded, to validating fMRI for surgical planning. Given this, it is surprising that freely available versions of the best validated paradigms have not been widely available. We've programmed a standardized set of language fMRI tasks, and translated some key tasks assessing naming skill into multiple languages to allow assessment of patients from a range of linguistic backgrounds.

The tasks include versions of:

The versions of these tasks include the stimuli and study designs as determined from the authors' manuscripts, and, kindly, correspondence with the authors' research groups. Note that to replicate these groups methods, you will also need to replicate their analysis

The first three tasks can be run at three different speeds, and in 15 different languages –

  • Arabic - Egyptian

  • Cantonese

  • English

  • Farsi

  • German - Germany

  • Greek

  • Hindi

  • Italian

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese - European

  • Punjabi

  • Spanish - European

  • Spanish - South American

  • Turkish

The second version of the battery was downloaded over 60 times by radiologists, physicists, engineers, neuropsychologists, neurosurgeons, neuroscientists and MR technologists in over 20 countries. Version 3.0, which adds eight further translations, is available as of April 5, 2019.

The battery also writes the timing information into BIDS conventions, and includes a short program to write key patient variables to the required participants.tsv format.